Sunday 10 August 2008

Sixth Bento

This Bento had (Left to right bottom to top)
  • Tomato, Onion, Olives an mayo in a lettace cup
  • Pumpkin Pasta
  • Caramel lollies
  • Fruit shaped jubes
  • Dried appricots
I made this lunch for my sister also. She's a fussy eater, the only thing I didn't put in was the olives an she ate it all an seemed very impressed by it's appearance at lunch time. Called mum very excited at lunch to tell her I had made her lunch. Generally this sister skips lunch, so I was kinda proud of the out come.

Fifth Bento

This Bento had (back to front)
  • Curry on rice (rice is underneath)
  • Chocolate Cake
You couldn't pay me to have that curry again. I don't like lentils very much. Also was in a hurry so didn't completely cook the rice properly.

Fouth Bento

This Bento had (Left to right front to back)
  • Cheese Spread sandwich
  • Green Olives
  • Celebratory Donut
Might want to put olives in a partition next time, some of the juice soaked into the sandwiches, though the flavour was nice, soggy sandwiches never look appetising.

Third Bento

This Bento had (Left to right front to back)
  • 2 meat balls (eaten where in empty space)
  • Parsnip
  • Sweet potato
  • Zucchini and cauliflower in white sauce.
  • Mandarin Pieces
The food was leftovers from a dinner the night before.

Second Bento

This Bento had (Left to right)
  • a baby vegetable lasagne
  • A slice of pretend meat (making a separation)
  • Left over salad
There was also some strawberries that I was so excited about having that I ate them all before I remembered to take a photograph of my lunch.

Fruit Basket Bento © 2008. Template Design By: SkinCorner